DESERT – Formation
In certain places, under the influence of various forces and natural materials, specific forms and phenomena are created. This is clear and self-evident. It is equally clear and self-evident that we, as human beings, are part of nature and subject to natural principles. The saying that we are what we eat is well-known. This is true for the body, and research has shown it is also true for the psyche. However, it is equally true for the spirit. The total influences we expose ourselves to, and allow to affect us, shape the landscape of who we ultimately are or, at least, how we appear externally.
Humans are the only beings capable of making a conscious effort toward self-realization and self-expression. Nature is subject to the effects of random forces that may favor some elements while harming others. From nature’s perspective, the outcome is passive. There are things that transcend human control. We cannot choose everything that happens to us, but we can significantly influence two things. The first is that, to the extent possible, we can choose what we expose ourselves to and what we seek. The second is that we can decide how to respond to what we are exposed to or what happens to us, even if caused by forces beyond our control.
The power of self-determination makes this possible, but it seems we are often unaware of this power and of the influence of what surrounds us. Yet, these choices shape the ultimate landscape of our being. It is reasonable to examine how influences and decisions affect our spirit, soul, and body. It is wise to choose only what leads us toward a “good inner landscape.” Most importantly, it is beneficial to consult with God, who knows what we are made of (cf. Ps 103:14).