8. Grožnjan – End of the Route

Our final destination is Grožnjan – the main square and the church of St. Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia, which we have marked in the spiritual reflections with the word Beauty. Why? Now that you have managed to walk or cycle 38 km, you have experienced so much beauty that is important to preserve for the life ahead of you. Do not rush further as if nothing has happened. Refresh yourself with tap water before entering the main square in Grožnjan and spend 10 minutes in silence, reflecting on the entire route. Remember all the beautiful things, the inspirations, and encounters, as well as everything you have discovered that is important for your future life journey. Afterward, write it down. You will be surprised by how much beauty you have experienced in just 2 days.

Enter the church if it is open, or its vestibule from where you can see the interior, or sit next to the church and silently entrust to Jesus, through the intercession of St. Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia, all of the negative that has been troubling you for a long time – what you wish to offer to God and leave behind. A person you cannot forgive, an illness of yours or your loved ones, fears, vices, sins… Ask Jesus to take all of this from you, to wash each wound with His blood, and to free you from every fear. If you wish, you can kneel and stay like that until you’ve entrusted everything to Jesus at the foot of the cross.

Afterward, rise, aware that all your burdens have been placed in the hands of the One who created you and is Love. You are ready to start again. Thank God for this in your own words, or with one of the prayers from the brochure, or with a prayer to your favourite saint. If you think you need to confess a sin, and there is no opportunity at the moment, stay in peace, and you can do so at the first opportunity in your parish, sanctuary, or favourite church.

We suggest you make a promise to your God out of love – something you will do for Him. Decide to continue on the path that He has called you to through this journey, knowing that Jesus is with you every day. He is waiting for you to open the doors of your heart to Him, so that He can walk with you wherever you go. Dare to say “Yes!” to God for whatever He is calling you to.

Congratulations, you have successfully completed the entire Sacred route of Grožnjan, spiritually and phyisically!

Now, peacefully and gently enjoy the beauty of the views, the gastronomy, the culture, the people, the art, the music and the nature… in all that makes Grožnjan truly special, unique, and beautiful.

We will see you again, bring others along to experience similar moments as you have. Thank you from the heart, Grožnjan and its ‘hidden treasures’ are waiting for you.